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The most beautiful music X
I was so lucy that I got a piece of VCD of Green Music at the beginning of this year.I enjoy it every day,it becomes a necessity in my life.If I want to buy a large number of the VCD,where can I buy
them in China?
By Xia Erli @ 11 Apr 2006 13:02:53

Reply No.1 X
as i know, green music don't have any shop in china but they do in hong kong.
By sandy @ 19 May 2006 9:28:05

Reply No.2 X
Whereelse that I can buy Greenmusic Vol 8. (MP3 Version) in Bangkok and whether it still be on shelf
how can I purchase, and payment, delivery method?
By Prasit @ 10 Jun 2006 8:36:48

Reply No.3 X
It becomes a necessity in your life. I believe so.
Let's me share listening experience.
I fisst listened to his green music brobably 10 years ago. Before that I listened to his pop/soft and few of rock@roll more then 20 years ago.

First I listened his green music I touch the sense of peacefulness then joyfulness and at last I have a sense of selfless. Of course it is not because of music alone, but his music is a mean to bring us to searching deeper and deeper into our soul.

Oh! if you want to buy more titles, as far as I know, if you don't want to wait until someone going to Bangkok, the best way is to buy direct from this website.

It's about 4 times more than in Bangkok, but it's a fair market price and to show our respect to to Musician we loved.

Take care of your body and your mind.

By Kittisak @ 16 Jun 2006 16:49:38

Reply No.4 X
i bought a cd with a title " The River of Forever " in Bangkok, i love all the songs so much!

i like to know the thai translation of " Return to Eternity " please....
By Helen Hamada @ 16 Jan 2009 1:05:53

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